Wednesday, August 15, 2018

...Eye Seduction...

This meeting is boring...
I'm trying to appear attentive...
Something is calling me...
I don't hear it...
I feel it...
I look around...
Everyone is looking at the screen...
Except him...
He's across the room...
Looking at me...
My eyes stop at his eyes...
His eyes widen...
Noticeably excited that I heard his call...
Neither of us blinks...
His eyes smile seductively...
My eyes smile back...
He's bored too...
His eyes ask if I want to play...
Flirtatiously my eyes reply...
Yes, I do...
He is confident...
His eyes are intense...
He is looking through me...
Insisting that I let him in...
Come in...
Right here...
Surrounded by others...
The room is getting warm...
His eyes undress me...
My breathing changes...
His gaze penetrates my gaze...
Our eyes share intimacy...
Our eyes share secrets...
Our eyes share fantasies...
Without a word...
Without a touch...
The presentation is complete...
Just as the lights come on...
At the same time, together, we wink...
The meeting is adjourned.
...Michelle Lynn...

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