Sunday, April 8, 2018

...Opposite Directions Together...


She did not know... to relationship...
...but knew a lot...
...of ways not to.
She had been...
...fucked over and...
...had fucked over.
She existed...
...behind a wall...
...and trusted... one...
...especially not...
He did not know... to relationship.
He was...
...exhausted from playing...
...familiar games with...
...familiar faces.
He was...
...and restless.
No one...
...trusted him.
He did not... himself.
They found themselves...
...on purpose.
Familiar strangers.
He knew...
...her demons...
...and she...
...knew his.
They played... well together...
...very, very well.
Friends... friends.
...extreme lovers.
Intense pleasure...
...intense pain.
No secrets... masks.
...distance came...
...between them.
The space...
...was dangerous...
...they craved...
...each other.
Their demons...
...fought hard....
...against each other.
Neither willing... give in.
They were both...
...beaten up...
...and worlds apart.
...they called a truce.
...would ever compare... the pain...
...they felt... they...
...walked away... opposite directions...

...Michelle Lynn...

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